Unlocking The Book of Revelation
By Thomas Taylor
Aligning the Sequence of Events: The Great Tribulation, The Asteroid Strike, The Rapture / Coming of Jesus, The Wrath of God
I propose that the traditional view of the order of revelation is incorrect. Traditionally Bible teachers have said the the seven seals happen first, then the seven trumpet, then the seven bowls. But this order is impossible if we read the Bible literally. There are certain events that line up like the tumblers of a lock, once aligned correctly allows you to turn the key and unlock the door. These graphs below show certain events that are like those tumblers. The sections represent the same events but notice they are disclosed in different places in the book of Revelation. By reading these chapters as describing the same events, because these events perfectly line up, we discover that the Great Tribulation begins first, followed by the asteroid strike, followed by the Rapture / Coming of Jesus, followed by the Wrath of God.