What Happened September 23, 2015?

What Happened September 23, 2015?

September 23, 2015 is a date many prophecy students were watching with anticipation. Could it have begun the final seven years?

September 23, 2015 was a special date in that it was around the time of the four blood moons. Plus, it was Yom Kippur – the Jewish Day of Atonement. I have found a Bible prophecy concerning Suleiman the Great that I have not seen on anyone talking about concerning this date and I want to show it you. This is going to blow your mind if you understand it! I believe we are near the Lord’s return and September 23, 2015 fulfilled certain events before the final seven years.

The Suleiman Prophecy

Emperor Suleiman the Great

Emperor Suleiman the Great

Are you ready to have your mind blown by a prophecy that was there all along but no one saw its meaning until just recently? Take a look:

Dan 9:24-25 KJV Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. (25) Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

How can this verse tell us the general timing of Jesus’ return? All Bible prophecy folks know this passage as Daniel’s Seventy Weeks for Israel. Without going into detail, which you can find on almost any end-time website anyway, the Jewish people have had seventy weeks appointed to them. Verse twenty five tells the Jews exactly to the day when the Messiah, Jesus, would come the first time. My suggestion is that it comes close to telling us the general timing of when Jesus will return the second time as well!

So let’s start with how it predicted when Jesus would come the first time. Verse 25 says:

Dan 9:25 KJV Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

But what is interesting is that no one understood why the sixty nine weeks was divided up in a seven plus a sixty two…until now. A theologian named Joshua Elsom discovered that this same prophecy which predicted the timing of Jesus’ first coming could possibly also be used to discover the timing of His second coming. I found his revelation a few times on the internet and only a hand-full of people have even paid attention to it. All you have to do is figure out when the command went forth to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem … THE SECOND TIME. Then add the 483 prophetic years and see where it takes you.

It turns out that a command did go forth to rebuild the walls a second time, because they were destroyed again in 70A.D. The edict was made by a Muslim called Suleiman the Great to rebuild the walls. You can look it up through Google or Wikipedia. So if we discover the date of Suleiman’s edict we can simply add the 483 prophetic years and come up with a date.

We know of two instances in history in which the walls were commanded to be rebuilt. First by Artaxerxes in the year 458 BC(1). After the decree by Artaxerxes add 490 continuous years (no gap for the final 7 years, because it is not really 70 weeks of years if there’s a huge gap of over 2,000 years before the final 7 years begins) . When you do, you land on the year 29AD when Jesus started His ministry which perfectly fulfills the prophecy. ALL 490 years were fulfilled in His first coming! There is no need for the gap before the final 7 years needs to be fulfilled. Why? Because another decree covers another 490 years until His Second Coming!

The second time the decree went out to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, that the Church does not know about, was by Sulieman the Great a Turkish Muslim. He rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem again in 1539 according to the inscription on the Jaffa Gate in Old City Jerusalem.  From Sulieman the Great’s edict to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in 1539 to 2029 is 490 years = 70 x 7 again! Making 2022 to 2029 possibly the final 7 years of Daniel’s 70th week by the second decree.  By the way, the year 1539 does land on a schmeta year as does 2021/2022 and 2028/2029.

That calculation is based on regular years of the Gregorian calendar. But if you do the same calculation using the “360 day prophetic calendar,” as some call it, from 1539, you arrive at the date September 23,2015. That was when Agenda 2030 was pushed onto the world scene which I believe is likely the Covenant with Many or the antichrist’s covenant.

So, why was Daniel’s prophecy divided in to seven weeks plus sixty two weeks instead of just saying sixty nine weeks?  Joshua Elsom worked backwards from the date that the Jews captured Jerusalem: June 7, 1967. If you subtract the sixty two sevens, or 434 prophetic years, from that you get 1539, as the Jaffa Gate in Old Jerusalem is inscribed, the year when Suleiman made the decree to rebuild the walls.

Anyway, what about the seven sevens that are left of the 483 year prophecy? Add the final 7 weeks, 49 prophetic years, to June 7, 1967 and you land on the date that Covenant with many was introduced to the world…September 23, 2015.

I believe September 23, 2015 was an extremely important prophetic fulfillment for it was the day the coming “covenant with the many” prophesied in Daniel 9:27 was introduced to the world by Pope Francis. It is called the “U.N.’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development.” However, the introduction of the covenant did not begin the countdown of the final seven years. Considering that the date set for the U.N.’s goals is the year 2030, we should start to see some very serious prophetic action begin here soon. Look for the Jewish Temple to be built. Look for the signs of fire and columns of smoke as prophesied in Joel 2:30. The 4 Blood Moons fulfilled the “blood” mentioned in Joel 2:30; now we look for the rest of that verse to be fulfilled.

(1) Widner, Christian Witnessing the  End: Daniel’s Seventy Sevens and the Final Decree Everyone Missed; Kindle Ed. Chapter 5; 2023.